
FEBRUARY 22, 2020

One of my favorite things about life is the process of learning, starting with a conceptual grasp and finishing with the practical application. In a healthy environment, this process enhances the joy and efficiency of our lives, and ultimately makes the world a better place — from making a really great grilled cheese to expressing your soul through art (which, in some cases, are the same thing).

The most exciting part about this, for my money, is when these concepts touch parts of our lives we didn’t expect, yet still have an application. For instance, one core lesson for any musician is to approach one’s instrument without tension. The same practice can be applied when approaching the sink to wash dishes, or driving a car, or even writing emails for work.

Norman Studios is that healthy environment where I learn every day, and I’m inviting you to share in this experience with me. Whether it’s about getting started on an instrument, harnessing songwriting, honing the ear, or even just finding out how to apply all the seemingly random things you’ve learned over time, this is what Norman Studios is all about. 

Join me and let’s make some music and enrich the world together.
